Recommended Age: 5 years+
Dimensions:26 x 38.5 x 2cm | 10.2" x 15" x 0.8"
Contents: 13 pages
Publisher: 世一
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
活力成語100分 (一到三年級 任選)
Recommended Age: 6-10 years
Publisher: 世一文化
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
五歲 全腦開發遊戲書 (五冊裝)
6 學習社會、生物、氣候、國語、數學等知識,為小學課程做好準備。
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
FOOD超人入學準備 (2冊套書)
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
三歲 全腦開發遊戲書 (五冊裝)
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
每日一文趣味讀 (一到三年級 任選)
提升閱讀素養力的最佳輔材主題式分類,共42篇文章多樣化題型,加強閱讀理解多方位練習,累積閱讀實力 書後附參考答案及詳解說明本書配合108課綱要領編寫,共收錄四十二篇包括中外寓言、民間故事、古典詩 詞、成語故事、名人小傳、世界地理等不同類型的文章,題材豐富,層面廣泛,精選文章長度及深度;每篇文章除閱讀測驗外,並附延伸看板、寓意引申等補充資料,讓孩子學習掌握文章重點,增加閱讀的經驗和廣度,累積閱讀實力。
Recommended Age: 6-10 years
Publisher: 世一文化
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
活力造詞造句100分 (一到三年級 任選)
本書精選國小一, 二, 或三年級應學的重要生字,從「字」的認識、「詞」的練習到「句」的創造,循序訓練孩子的文字運用能力。
Recommended Age: 6-10 years
Publisher: 世一文化
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
100個必學象形漢字練習簿 100 Must-Learn Pictographic Chinese Characters Workbook 1
Traditional Chinese & Zhuyin, 繁體及注音
This series is written in Traditional Chinese and Zhuyin with English translation. A series of must-learn pictographic Chinese characters with coloring and writing.
One side is coloring page, another side is stroke practice page with correct stroke orders and 16 empty spots for writing. The coloring images are pictographic of the characters, so it is perfect for children to draw and learn at the same time, as well as easier to memorize the image of the characters.
In this workbook 1, it contains 100 must-learn pictographic Traditional Chinese characters: 一二三四五六七八九十 百千上中下大小手力工口 左 右 有尖 不 木 山 火 水 林 月 土 天 生 日 卡 早 也 紅 雲花 雨 白 多 少 的 石 風 沙 明 子 足 玩 人來 米 田 是 沒 我 星 在 坐 去 肚 和 肉 目 耳 舌 牙 心 好 正 雪 地 竹 你 他看 見 哭 笑 叫 唱 走 巴了 比 李刀 位 呀 草 象 交 朋 友 隻
有別於一般傳統的重覆抄寫方式,這系列的圖像習字練習本,左頁為著色圖,圖像的設計完全與字本身連結的意思及樣貌,孩子著色的同時也可以加深記憶;右頁則是有正確筆劃的指示及注音,空格尺寸大, 適合幼兒的小手。幼兒學習成效不外乎是透過圖像記憶、操作體驗及快樂情境,然而學習中文的聴説讀寫中,「寫」對多語言環境下的海外兒童尤是困難。這種結合着色及識字的現代象形圖字,幫助孩子輕鬆學習, 減少中文記憶的負擔。
This series of workbook is perfect for pre-k to 2nd grade children to learn basic Chinese. This listing is 100 Must-Learn Pictographic Chinese Characters Workbook 1. For Workbook 2 from this series, please click here. 本頁面為100個必學象形漢字練習簿第一輯, 第二輯請按此。
Recommended Age: 3-10 years
Dimensions:27.5 x 21.5 x 1.3 cm | 11 x 8.5 x 0.5 in
Contents: 203 pages
Publisher: 白雲文化
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
1000 Hanzi Chinese 漢字1000
Through memorizing characters to writing and practice using short phrases and constructing sentences of the most commonly used 1000 Hanzi Chinese characters, you will gain proficiency like the natives. Through this bilingual set of 10 books, you will learn 100 characters a book through
During the pandemic in 2020, Motherly Notes School was born where Julie started offering fun online native level Chinese courses. She incorporated elements from educational theories such as behaviorism, constructivism, humanism, etc. Her motto was 笑到爆也可以學中文. It means you can laugh until you cry while learning Chinese. Now after many years, the students of her program are witnessing fast progress through daily exposure to the methods she's been using. Julie envisioned a true immersion school where Chinese is not studied as a subject but as the means to form meaningful bonds to families and culture for everyday life.
在2020年的疫情期間,Motherly Notes誕生了!Julie開始了有以中文母語為目標的中文課。她將行為、建構、人文等內容融入課程中。她提倡的是「笑到爆也可以學中文」,也就是說你可以在學中文的同時也笑到不行。在多年的努力下,她的學生們透過每日接觸、學習、使用快速的進步。在這裡,中文不是一門學科,而是可以用在日常生活,聯繫家庭與文化的橋樑。
Julie Liu's teaching journey started when her first child was born and she made a commitment for her child (and now children) to be truly bilingual. After reading a plethora of research and learning methods while her child was in utero, she devised a full system of combining the best training methods including but not limited to differentiated instruction, project based learning, high interest based instruction, etc., and put it to the test. She then shared her methods on her private social media group on Facebook called Motherly Notes and the group has grown to thousands of like minded educationally driven parents.
In her group, she has shared over thousands of notable children’s book titles in Chinese as well as well as conducted famous author interviews. Believing in the power of reading, Julie has over 15,000 book titles at home and utilizes that vast library of titles for her children and her online classes. Powering beyond research, she was hired by the largest Montessori school network in the world to head their Asia programs. Here, she accumulated more experience into programming for the bilingual students as well as diving into gifted education.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Specifications 規格
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Recommended Age: 2-6 years
Dimensions:19 x 26 x 1 cm | 8.27 x 11.61 x 0.31 in
Contents: 32 pages
Publisher: 幼福
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
幼升小全方位入學準備組(2冊) (數學1000題+思維訓練1000題)
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
我的第一套思維遊戲書 - 視覺大挑戰 (3~5歲)
● 加強專注力:玩迷宮的時候,因為路線多變,蜿蜒曲折,需要高度專心、集中注意力才不會眼花撩亂;玩貼紙跟視覺大發現的時候,為了在豐富的畫面中找出正確的圖案跟貼紙,孩子需要高度集中注意力,才不會被畫面中的其他圖像干擾,可以加強孩子的專注力。
● 培養觀察力:玩迷宮時需要仔細觀察每條路線的走向,才能成功到達終點;玩貼紙遊戲可以讓孩子思考:貼紙應該和圖中的哪個位置匹配?這個場景需要貼上哪張貼紙?都需要孩子仔細觀察和思考;視覺大發現裡,孩子需要觀察每張圖給的線索提示,才能找出小女孩想要的麵包以及埋在地下的寶藏。
● 加強思考力與執行力:孩子不斷進行嘗試,發現答案錯誤時會重新選擇,可以加強思考能力和執行力,並培養面對挫折不放棄的精神。
● 發展手眼協調能力:玩迷宮的時候,孩子用視覺感官看清路線,大腦分析判斷,最後再指揮小手沿著路線前進,訓練手眼協調;通過「撕下貼紙」和「把貼紙貼在正確的位置上」的動作,也可以培養手與腦、手與眼睛的協調能力。
● 提升記憶力:孩子需要先記住每張圖給的線索提示,從而理解、記憶圖像的特點,才能快速又準確的在豐富的畫面中找出正確答案,對孩子的記憶力很有幫助。
Recommended Age: 3-5 years
Dimensions:21 x 22.7 x 1.5 cm | 8.27 x 8.94 x 0.59 in
Contents: 102 pages
Publisher: 風車
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Smart Brain 知識聰明百科貼紙書 - 安全
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Smart Brain 知識聰明百科貼紙書 - 恐龍
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
真的很穩很好用。我兩歲半的孩子喜歡全部自己來 現在他也可以自己拿椅子來坐著讀書看Food超人的書本哈哈哈! I like how this set promotes independence in kids.
A fun and educational book. My boy loves dogs and cars and this book makes it a worthwhile purchase. The twist in the end is the best part!
可愛實用的便當盒,質感很不錯, 有可移動分隔層~
真的很穩很好用。我兩歲半的孩子喜歡全部自己來 現在他也可以自己拿椅子來坐著讀書看Food超人的書本哈哈哈! I like how this set promotes independence in kids.
A fun and educational book. My boy loves dogs and cars and this book makes it a worthwhile purchase. The twist in the end is the best part!
可愛實用的便當盒,質感很不錯, 有可移動分隔層~