Yo! 閱讀挑戰一夏 Summer Reading Challenge

活動時間內閱讀10本中文書籍並記錄在Yo! Baby提供的活動表單中, 即可兌換Yo! Baby $10禮卡。
兌換截止日期: 7/31/23
禮卡使用期限: 9/30/23
按此下載閱讀活動單 & 兌換免費書籍方式
這個活動是專為Yo! Baby 服務的雙語家庭所設計的。初衷希望利用獎勵的方式, 鼓勵孩子們多閱讀中文的書籍, 進而拉近孩子們對中文的距離以及增進他們對於中文讀物的信心與理解。間接衍生出閱讀/共讀的習慣。
本活動無設限參與年齡, 不設限孩子的中文程度與年齡。 強調中文閱讀即包含共讀 & 獨立閱讀, 歡迎父母們在與孩子享受共讀時光時, 也可以與孩子記錄下來, 並鼓勵他們達標後可以使用禮卡再換一本他們愛的書籍喔!!! (每個小孩限兌換一次)
*** 如需閱讀書籍的推薦, 請參考夏日推薦書單。這些書籍是我們精選出來容易引起孩子喜歡有興趣的 (可使用年齡篩選方式快速找書)。
*** 各年齡兒童熱銷排行榜書籍,
0-3Y Best Selling Books
3-6Y Best Selling Books
6Y+ Best Selling Books
No age limit. No matter where you (or your kids) are with Chinese fluency, you are more than welcomed to join this challenge. Reading includes reading along with parents, reading independently, and more.
By the completion of this activity sheet, we are very sure that your kids are ready to continue the reading journey. Your kiddo will be eligible to redeem a $10 Yo! Gift Card. (Limit one redeem per kid.)
Download this activity sheet to start logging your mandarin reading journey with your kids. Ways to redemption your Yo! Gift Card book is also included in the activity sheet.
Enjoy your reading today! Deadline to submit is 7/31/2023.
*** For book choice recommendations, feel free to check out our Summer Book List. Books in the list have been proven to be interesting and engaging for your kids. (**Use filter by age to find books quickly)
*** Also check out our best selling books by age,
0-3Y Best Selling Books
3-6Y Best Selling Books
6Y+ Best Selling Books