2024 Lunar New Year Kid-preneur Fair 小小創業家 新年市集
這次選在農曆新年前夕舉辦, 希望藉由有趣的市集活動,
闔家大小一起歡慶新年, 建立海外華裔學子家庭的『新傳統』。
歡樂的氣氛, 增添孩子們對農曆新年與其傳統的認識與意義,
誠摯邀請南加州的家庭們, 共襄盛舉。異鄉歡慶新年🐰, 保有我們的傳統! 🧧🏮
這次選在農曆新年前夕舉辦, 希望藉由有趣的市集活動,
闔家大小一起歡慶新年, 建立海外華裔學子家庭的『新傳統』。
歡樂的氣氛, 增添孩子們對農曆新年與其傳統的認識與意義,
誠摯邀請南加州的家庭們, 共襄盛舉。異鄉歡慶新年🐰, 保有我們的傳統! 🧧🏮
Very cute! Perfect!!!
This was a fun book to read for my kiddo. Not only does it let her hear the foods in Chinese but it incorporates some food culture which she'll like try one day when we travel to Asia...and maybe she'll be able to order it in Chinese.
Cute, authentic, very high quality. Kids were so happy when they received the red packet! Picked up a few more Chinese words too!
Very cute! Perfect!!!
This was a fun book to read for my kiddo. Not only does it let her hear the foods in Chinese but it incorporates some food culture which she'll like try one day when we travel to Asia...and maybe she'll be able to order it in Chinese.
Cute, authentic, very high quality. Kids were so happy when they received the red packet! Picked up a few more Chinese words too!