【In-Store Event】你捐書 我送禮 Chinese Children's Book Drive

隨著孩子年齡增長, 一邊添購適齡的圖書, 一邊感嘆以前那些曾愛不釋手的中文圖書該怎辦? 不知道可以捐贈去哪? 這麼多曾帶給小孩啟蒙的好書, 拿起來是滿滿的回憶捨不得丟棄.
我們聽到您的聲音了! 每年出錢出力回饋社區, 支持茁壯中文教育的 Yo! Baby,
今年聯繫了志同道合的慈善機構, 接受各位的樂捐. 並且加碼鼓勵善為!
即日起, 帶著家裡的中文童書來店捐贈, 即可獲得 Yo! Baby 禮卡, 作為獎勵! 繼續鼓勵孩子們共讀!
禮卡兌換金額 & 注意事項
捐贈書籍數量 # of Book Donated |
禮卡獎勵金額 Gift Card Rewarded |
1 ~ 5 | $3 Yo! Baby Gift Card |
5 ~ 15 | $5 Yo! Baby Gift Card |
15+ | $15 Yo! Baby Gift Card |
- 禮卡將以 e-mail 形式發送, 使用期限至 2/28/2023, 可與網站任何優惠併用.
- Yo! Baby 將代表機構團體檢查捐贈書籍, 恕無法接受明顯掉頁, 污漬, 等受損影響閱讀的書況.
- 捐贈活動僅限Yo! Baby 南加州實體店.
- 每個帳戶可領取乙次禮卡, 恕不累績.
每本圖書都是愛. 我們都期望每本好書值得下一個家庭一樣愛它們, 在書中找到共讀的愉悅與親子時光!
即日起至12/23/2022 在營業時間, 來店捐贈並領取Yo! Baby禮卡.
店址: 1300 John Reed Court, Unit C, City of Industry CA 91745
Click here for direction
營業時間: Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm; Sunday 11am to 3pm
- The Joy Culture Foundation 小書蟲親子圖書館
- Selected Los Angeles County Library branches
- Local preschool and daycare organizations
(prefer not to be mentioned here)
Mandarin Children's Book Drive
Drop off unwanted, good-conditioned Chinese children books at Yo! Baby store. In return, you will receive a Yo! Baby gift card as reward to kindness!
Yo! Baby will distribute the books to organization with these needs. Your donation will be a meaningful part of our missions to grow Mandarin Immersion environment for our next generation.
- Gift cards are issued with 2/28/2023 expiration date and will be eligible to use with any discount code.
- Gift cards are rewarded once per customer account.
- Books with obvious tears and stains will not be accepted.
- See above chart for gift card rewards.
Sharing is caring. Let's share the love with other family in need. By sharing, we are making Mandarin immersion environment more accessible to our everyday.
Drop off location and hours
Location: Yo! Baby Shop Store
1300 John Reed Court, Unit C, City of Industry CA 91745
Click here for direction
Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm
Sunday 11am to 3pm
Book collection deadline: 12/23/2022