Unboxing Video 開箱文影片 - Hello Kitty 遊台灣拼圖
HELLO KITTY要陪你一起遊臺灣囉!拼拼圖了解臺灣各縣市的地理位置,還能一邊看旅遊小書認識與縣市相關的特色、名產與地標,除了了解臺灣之外,這個拼圖還有更多好玩的玩法喔!「眼明手快」看誰最快找出指定的縣市拼圖,「快手快腳」看誰能以最快的速度拼完臺灣拼圖,「你問我答」考驗你了解臺灣的程度。隨書附贈可愛的角色立牌與計分卡,快來跟家人朋友一起玩HELLOKITTY遊臺灣拼圖吧!
可愛實用的便當盒,質感很不錯, 有可移動分隔層~
My toddler loves reading this with his grandma. Good quality and price.
My two year old toddler loves these books. However, the car crafts don't hold together. They needs a lot of tapes to hold them together
可愛實用的便當盒,質感很不錯, 有可移動分隔層~
My toddler loves reading this with his grandma. Good quality and price.
My two year old toddler loves these books. However, the car crafts don't hold together. They needs a lot of tapes to hold them together