Welcome to the dedicated page of The Little Bookworm Chinese Library Groupbuy Event, where you'll discover a curated selection of books available at discounted prices, exclusively for members of The Little Bookworm Chinese Library.
Here's how to join this groupbuy event and unlock special discounts at checkout:
1. Add as many books as you like to the cart from the list below;
2. Enter code TJCM0518 at checkout to unlock 10% off groupbuy discounted price
3. At checkout, select Pick up under Delivery section, choose The Little Bookworm Chinese Library (934 Santa Cruz Ave, Suite A, Menlo Park, California 94025).
4. Your purchase will be available for pickup starting from May 18th, 2024 to May 31st, 2024 10:00am to 3:30pm. For more details about the library's business hours, please refer to The Little Bookworm Chinese Library website.
The Little Bookworm Chinese Library Groupbuy Event offers exclusive discounted prices on a curated selection of books at the convenience of free pickup during your library visit. Shipping may incur fees in accordance with Yo! Baby Shop site-wide Shipping and Return Policy.
Your support not only plays an importance role in opening your child's world to the joy of reading, but also benefits the organization with raising funds for bilingual resource expansion.