Back to School Checklist (Kindergarten to 3rd Grade)

Are you ready for Back to School? 😁
To many of you, it's not only a celebration of your child's growth. It's also a celebration of FREEDOM!!!🎉 Ooops, I meant a celebration of back-to-regular-schedule routine.
If you are a parent whose precious little one is going to Kinder or 1st grade for the first time, congratulations! 🎊 They are growing so fast, right? I know 😭
It can also be very confusing as to what to bring for school since they are going to be on their own most of the day. We bet there are a million questions on your mind, such as which water bottle to bring? Which lunch box & lunch bag? How many pencils, glue sticks, crayons do they need?
The truth is ... what every kid needs will be different. For most of public schools, you may be able to find a school supplies list on the district website. Usually parents are expected to purchase supplies for the whole classroom to share. For private schools, class teacher usually sends an e-mail with a completed school supplies list an individual needs.
No matter which school your little one is attending, we know that there are certain things that are essential for their own use. Thus, we've come up with a shopping list consists of some basic school supplies & personal belongings for your reference, hoping that this will ease your mind:
School Supplies

Personal Belongings
For Study Room/Space
Last but not least, we would like to offer some tips in preparation of back to school to help get little ones mind ready for school as they may feel anxious/uncertain about going to school leaving parents:
- Include your little one join your back-to-school shopping - This will not only help getting their mind ready for school. They also gain confidence simply by joining you with the decision process. It is a life lesson with money spending decisions.
- Let them choose some belongings - Letting your little ones choose some cute stationeries, water bottles, utensils, or lunch bags to bring may help brighten their day at school. It feels like... bringing your comfy blankie to school (but you can't😉)
- Read & Daydream - Reading books with them about back to school, even better if we can day dream with them and imagine what it will be like on the first day of school. This will create more excitement; thus less anxiety.
We can't wait to see your FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL pictures! xoxo
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