上學前的未知與焦慮,繪本來幫忙 - 好書推薦 Books to Prep the Little Ones for the New School Year

第一天上學好緊張: 書中每個可愛動物都有自己害怕上學要面對的事,沒想到到了學校發現老師比他們還緊張! 是一本搞笑、學習互動互助的繪本,情節有趣,讀來令人會心一笑。適合 Preschool to First Grade 孩童閱讀
米可第一天上學:這本描述了小男孩米可在幼稚園的生活,生動好玩,讓孩子了解學校的環境。適合 Preschool 幼童閱讀
我要上幼兒園:這是一本可愛又實用的互動書,可以讀,轉一轉,拉一拉,厚紙板設計耐用好玩。每一頁描述孩子上學的場景時,最下面還有專家的建議: 告訴爸媽該怎麼幫孩子適應學校生活;比如提醒爸媽多準備一些衣服替換、接孩子時多跟孩子聊一聊今天的趣事等等。適合 Preschool or Daycare 等第一次接近群體的幼童閱讀
布朗克幼兒園系列:【布朗克點點名】、【布朗克開開學】、【布朗克放放假】:這一套超貼近幼兒園生活的書,簡單有趣的情節,頑皮不受控的孩子,相信您跟孩子會邊讀邊捧腹大笑,一讀再讀,回味無窮。還可搭配【上學生活家家酒套組】:同學基地和探索公園( Brownc Play House: Friends+ Park) 讓孩子在玩樂中模擬幼兒園的生活,調整心情,做好準備
小波去上學: 一起來看可愛的小波上學的一天,一整天他做了好多事,玩到都捨不得回家了!經典的翻翻書設計加深孩子的閱讀興趣。
上學的第一天我的肚子有蝴蝶(中英文繪本):老師問:你的舌頭被貓叼走了嗎?Has the cat got your tongue? 他說當我準備從殼出來,不再害羞的時候,他隨時洗耳恭聽。 He said he was all ears whenever I am ready to come out of my shell. 這是一本用美國俚語介紹上學的繪本,在輕鬆有趣的情節中認識學校、學會成語英文的應用,掌握兩種語文的特點。
這一套共三本書十分知名。其中第二本: 【我絕對絕對不吃番茄】還榮獲2001年格林納威童書大獎,值得一讀。書中古靈精怪的小女生蘿拉,透過與哥哥的對話相處,我們不知不覺走進蘿拉的內心世界,在哥哥的引導下,從抗拒上學,到愛上上學,從挑食的小女孩,變成樂於嘗試美食、從耍賴不睡覺,到一步步養成好的生活習慣。讀著讀著不禁想跟蘿拉說: 你做得很好! 相信孩子也會因為蘿拉的改變而更勇於嘗試。畢竟,很多時候,改變還是挺美好的。

First day to school? We have some Chinese book recommendations to ease your worry.
School is a new beginning for each child, and there are many things for him/her to learn.
The first time separating from his/her parents, the first time meeting new friends, the first time learning to socialize within a group… these are the worries parents may have for their child. Will the child cry the whole day? These feelings really make the parents concerned.
From the child standpoint, it takes time to get used to being separated from the parents, and by co-reading with the parents are one way to pacify some of his worries as well as to learn about new school life. Below are some of the book sets that focus on adapting to new school life, we hope it will help each child quickly adjusting to school and give mothers some reliefs.
Books to ease child’s separation anxiety
Separation anxiety happens to almost every child during the first time going to school. Parents can try to provide comfort by giving specific time for pickup, or by taking child to the future kindergarten, making the child feel a bit familiar with the school environment.
Parents can also create a fun calendar chart to count down to first school day. They can also read some books with the child about understanding the feeling of going to school, to develop safe bearing. For example, 【米可第一天上學】and 【我要上幼兒園】offer picture of parents picking up child, letting the child understanding that separation is only temporary.
Recommended Reading
小企鵝波波明天要上學:This book describes the penguin 波波 can’t sleep due to the anxiety experienced with going to school, but through his father’s continuous encouragement, he has become content in going to school. This reading touches the child’s inner world.
第一天上學好緊張:Inside this book each cute animal has its own worry about its first day to school, but then realize the teacher is more afraid. This is a funny story, learning about mutual assistance, giving many exciting moments, and leaving the readers with a giggle in their hearts.
米可第一天上學:This book describes a boy 米可 going through first day to school as a kindergartener, with lot of lively encounters, allowing young reader to explore the school environment.
我要上幼兒園:This is a cute, yet practical interactive book. One can read while moving the paper objects. Each page bottom provides a moment of the child in school, giving expert advice to parents on how to help their child get used to new school life, and giving parents ideas including packing clothes for change, talking to child after picking him up, etc.
媽媽上班的時候會想我嗎?This book describes a mother worrying about her daughter during work, while the daughter is also endlessly thinking about her mother; the book’s mother-daughter love let the child understand better about parents’ toil in getting child ready for new school life.
Books to learn about new school life
What does new school life look like? Will there be any monster? What does the teacher look like? What do we do in school? Let’s look at some books together with the children to learn about school, educating the children on the importance of learning and socializing.
Recommended Reading:
Brownc 布朗克幼兒園系列:【布朗克點點名】、【布朗克開開學】、【布朗克放放假】: This set of three books is very similar to kindergarten’s life. It provides simple illustrations, with playful children in the storyline, giving both you and your child a great laugh, allowing you great appreciation even when you reread the material. The series also provides pretend play set Brownc Play House: Friends+ Park, simulating kindergarten’s life, allowing the child to really see, feel, and prepare the time at school through pretend plays.
彩色怪獸去上學 The Color Monster Goes to School:In this story, after hearing the need to go to school, the color monster starts changing color. Through the different color, the book teaches the children knowledge in understanding emotional intelligence. Let’s the color monster helps the children explore school and understand the interesting time school life offers.
小波去上學: We can watch as 小波 goes to school and do a lot of fun events, and end up not wanting to go home. This classic book design will also enhance the children’s reading interest.
上學的第一天我的肚子有蝴蝶(Bilingual Book):The teacher asked, “has the cat got your tongue?” and the child said “he was all ears whenever I am ready to come out of my shell.” This book uses American idioms to introduce the interesting scenes of learning new school life, while helping children with learning some of the American commonly use words in both Chinese and English languages.
Understanding the need for school
Some children often ask, “why do I need to go to school? Why can’t I just play at home?” In children’s wonderful imagination, school may sometimes fill with uncertainty and fear. By reading through books explaining the needs for school, children will start to understand that school brings more learning and exploration experience beyond playing time with other children.
Recommended Reading
This set of three books are very famous, Charlie and Lola. Especially the second book: 【我絕對不吃番茄】won the prestigious 2001 Kate Greenaway Medal for children book. In the book, through the conversation between the cute little girl Lola and her brother, we unintentionally walk through Lola's inner world. From her brother’s guidance, she went from hating to go to school, to the opposite. From a picky eating little girl, Lola becomes interesting in eating new food. Finally, from being unwilling to sleeping, Lola learnt to create a good healthy lifestyle. By experiencing through such courageous stories, readers will want to follow Lola's transition to try to change to adapt to the new school environment. Shouldn’t change be a wonderful thing sometimes?
The Pigeon by Mo Willems! This set of four books have a leading character: A lovable Pigeon that would also make you mad, giving all kind of reasons to refute you, while giving a lot of opinions. This scene is just so familiar with our daily life with our children; Our children will always have a lot of idea to challenge their parents. This Pigeon will use a unique style of sharing the same sentiment with the readers, opening up each type of learning experience and problem. Each book will provide the standpoint of the child, and without much assistance, children would follow this naughty pigeon to begin loving school, and would learn to adapt to many things such as sharing and caring.
Each first day to school is always a challenge for both the parents and the children, and it will take time to adjust. Let’s hope these reading recommendations can help the children become adored in going to school!
Keywords in this article: 好書推薦, 學前教育, 上學繪本, 安全感, 分離焦慮, 成語英文, separation anxiety, book recommendations, understanding emotional intelligence, first day to school, new school life
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