DAAMI Handmade Sun Dried Noodles 度小月手工日曬麵系列
遠近馳名、百年老店、古法製造的《台灣度小月麵條》各式出名彈牙有嚼勁, 新鮮精選天然食材, 依循傳統手工日曬,令麵條自然散發的香氣與口感。炸麵.滿足健康低熱量需求, 口感細緻,滑溜順口!
只需要煮3~5分鐘,食材意搭配,拌、炒、煮、燴皆合宜,冷熱食均可, 冷食更可加入麻醬增加風味。
百年老店 遵古製法 | 台灣特產手工製造麵條 | 香Q爽口,不含防腐劑 | 透明袋裝,品質易見
百年老店 遵古製法 | 台灣特產手工製造麵條 | 香Q爽口,不含防腐劑 | 透明袋裝,品質易見
百年老店 遵古製法 | 台灣特產手工製造麵條 | 香Q爽口,不含防腐劑 | 蕎麥風味,麥香迷人 | 透明袋裝,品質易見
Ingredients 成分:refer to label
Best Before (dates may vary):02/2024
存放於陰涼乾燥處. 避免高溫日照,開封後儘快食用完畢
Country of Manufacture 原產地:Taiwan 台灣
*** Though we do our best to inspect and keep the items protected before transit, the natural delicacy of the mooncakes may have slight cosmetic cracks upon arrival. This will not cause any taste differences. 本公司出貨前檢查並安全加強保護包裝, 手工食品天生的質嬌弱, 無法保證收到時食品表面些許掉屑或是小小裂痕, 此不影響經典口感 恕無法接受退換.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Roasted Pop Brown Pearl Barley 爆紅薏仁球 (4 Flavors)
Tasted like popcorn yet healthier, this is your go-to guilt-free snack! Healthy ingredients using roasted bake instead of oil fry, unsalted butter instead of oils, and pure natural brown sugar. 100% natural. No additives.
Comes with 2 flavors to choose from:
Get both for 10% off because we are so confident you will love them both.
上班族必囤零食 // 團購零食首推 // 開罐必見底
口感激似爆米花!但油跟糖的比例卻不到真爆米花的十分之一,比起玉米,紅薏仁有更多的優質營養。小孩放心吃,大人健康吃,最適合全家大小的涮嘴零嘴! 比爆米花還不黏牙喔!
Yo! Baby 推薦: 比爆米花, 米米花好吃. 口味清淡卻停不下來! 好健康的零食!
兩種口味一起買可享9折, 我們有信心全家大小都愛!
Ingredients 成份: Brown pearl barley, brown sugar, unsalted butter 紅薏仁、台糖二號砂糖、無鹽奶油 (奶蛋素)
Best Before (expiration dates may vary): 11/21/2022
Storage 保存方式: Please store in cool dry place. 乾燥陰涼處
Country of manufacture: Taiwan
Allergens: contains butter (dairy) 含有奶油 (乳製品)
三歲以下兒童, 請於成人監護下食用 開封後請盡速食用完畢
Get both flavors for 10% off. Choose from the options.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Sushi Train Extension Pack
Sushi Train Extension Pack compatible for PEARL LIFE Rotating Sushi Train Set.
This extension pack comes with different options for different extension preference. Extend the sushi train for better dining experience at the convenience of your home.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Mini Food Picks for Lunch Box - Super Mario
Decorate your little one's lunch boxes with their favorite characters. Open up pick eater's appetite with little surprises like this. side dish with your favorite character!
Also great for helping pick up small bites.
Set comes in 8 pieces with 4 cute characters. Hurry up. Available in limited quantity only.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Bifido Probiotic Mini Cookies (Pack of 7) 比菲多益生菌餅乾 7包入
內容物成份 : 麵粉、蔗糖、棕油、食用烤酥油、發酵乳、膨脹劑(碳酸氫銨、碳酸鎂)、奶粉、玉米澱粉、香料(香料、中鏈三酸甘油脂、葡萄糖、微晶纖維素、二氧化矽、辛烯基丁二酸鈉澱粉)、食鹽、碳酸氫鈉、芽孢乳酸菌(芽孢乳酸菌、麥芽糊精)、檸檬酸、偏亞硫酸氫鈉。
內容量 ( g/ml ) : 每一份25公克 (本包裝含7份)
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
UNID reFeel 2.0 Probiotics + Prebiotics 複合益生菌 2.0
ReFeel 2.0 Probiotics + Prebiotics is a patented supplement designed to develop beneficial bacteria and regulate overall health. It's the perfect choice for the entire family.
Comprehensive Probiotic Support:
Advanced Technology:
Powerful Ingredients:
As a Daily Supplement:
Promote your family's health with ReFeel 2.0 Probiotics + Prebiotics, a comprehensive supplement designed for optimal gut health and overall well-being.
• When ingesting in sufficient quantities, it will produce active microorganisms
• Maintain and balance the strains
• These strains are lactic acid bacteria and yeasts
• Single or mixed strains can be regarded as good probiotics
★專利凝結芽孢桿菌(GBI-30.6086):經美國FDA產品安全法規最高等級GRAS(GRN.660)認證,可調節消化及免疫系統健康,激活抗疫益生菌 – 普拉梭菌。
※普拉梭菌可減輕長新冠後遺症,其中新冠肺炎症狀越嚴重的患者,腸道菌失衡越嚴重, 且越缺少普拉梭菌和比菲德氏菌屬。
→普氏菌菌體可直接活化免疫細胞(樹突細胞, T細胞等),維持免疫力,抑制感染後,發炎激素風暴。
→普氏菌有助降低IL-6, IL-12, TNFα分泌,抑制發炎反應。
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
PEARL LIFE Rotating Sushi Train Set
More than a train playset, this rotating sushi train set brings you the rotating sushi meal at the convenience of home. With its creative conveyor belt and a serving plate on every train, your family enjoys a fun dining experience anytime.
This rotating sushi train set runs smoothly on batteries. Easy to clean with sushi serving on detachable plates.
This set comes with a train set with 1 locomotive connected with 3 cars and plates and tracks that run 158cm (62")in length. Want longer tracks with more trains and plates? Check out our Sushi Train Extension Pack.
This is the best holiday gift for families or your sushi lover kids.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Swan Kids Flatware Set
Designed with safety and charm in mind, BOGEN SWAN Kids Cutlery features handles shaped like the graceful tail of a swan, with rounded tips for added safety during use. The vibrant color options add a playful touch to mealtime, making dining enjoyable for children. Crafted from premium stainless steel and polycarbonate, these sets are durable to withstand kids' daily use, combining practicality with delightful aesthetics. These sets complement the elegance of our BOGEN Eiffel and Kara collections for an elevated family dining experience with with Asian dining customs in mind.
Set comes with a carry pouch, great to bring with in a lunch bag or daily on the go as portable cutlery.
Available in 2 sizes - Toddler or Kids sets
Premium Material:
Check out full BOGEN Swan Flatware Collection here.
Care Instructions:
Pre-Use Cleaning: Thoroughly clean items before use to remove any manufacturing residues.
Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Refrain from using cleaners or abrasives containing hydrogen peroxide or soda, as they can cause the plating to peel off due to their highly alkaline and toxic nature.
Dishwasher Caution: Gold-plated products should not be used in dishwashers, as dishwasher detergents can compromise the plating.
Satin Finish Products: Satin-finished items can be used in dishwashers, but frequent high-temperature washes may reduce their lifespan or damage polycarbonate parts. Boiling water sterilization is recommended instead.
Sterilization Guidelines: When sterilizing in boiling water, avoid adding detergent and limit exposure to tap or bottled water to five minutes or less.
Microwave/Oven Usage: These products are not suitable for microwave or oven use.
Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft sponge or cloth for cleaning to prevent scratches. Avoid harsh materials like strong scrub brushes or steel wool.
Knife Care: SUS420J2 (iron) knives are sensitive to humidity. After washing, ensure they are thoroughly dried before storage to prevent rust.
Natural Manufacturing Marks: Minor scratches or dents may occur during manufacturing and are not grounds for exchange or return.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
SKATER Rice Mold and Cutter Set
Create adorable curry and rice dishes with this quirky rice mold and cutter set! The non-stick transparent mold set come in two pieces - one for making 3D character shaped rice and one for die cut detail parts.
The transparent molds make it easy to position the ingredients. This Rice Mold and Cutter Set is dishwasher safe and versatile for dishes like curry, friend rice, and etc.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
SKATER Cafe Bowl Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulation Food Jar 550 ml
Bringing hot food to enjoy at school is possible now with SKATER Cafe Donburi series.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Sumikko Gurashi Stainless Steel Flask Water Bottle with Shoulder Strap (580mL)
This stainless steel water bottle by Skater is designed to be your little one's companion on their daily adventure. Perfect to carry to school, sports camp, or any outing.
日本 Skater 角落生物超輕量不鏽鋼保冷直飲式水壺
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Mini Food Picks for Lunch Box - Sumikko Gurashi
Decorate your little one's lunch boxes with their favorite characters. Open up pick eater's appetite with little surprises like this. side dish with your favorite character!
The picks are useful for skewering food to make things easy to eat (especially for little hands) as well as for decorating your bento. They are a great way to add color and fun to your lunch at ease!
Set comes in 6 pieces of cute Sumikkogurashi characters. Available in limited quantity only.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Shinkansen Divided Plate 日本新幹線兒童分隔餐盤
This divided plate is inspired by Japanese bullet train N700 model, designed to make your little one every meal a happy meal!
Comes with removable divided tray, the plate is easy to clean and convenient to prep.
The removable tray is microwave and dishwasher safe.
Makes a great gift for kids birthday.
火車迷必備! 餐造日本JR新幹線打造, 餐盤含分隔餐盤與車身底座.
方便盛菜, 容易清洗. 分隔盤共有五格, 豐富菜色搭配車車造型 孩童胃口大開!
Country of manufacture: China
Materials: ABS resin
Dimensions: 21 x 33.3 x 7.5cm | 8.26" x 13" x 3"
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Copan Mino Ware Children Dining Set 日本美濃燒可愛動物碗盤組
Copan series by Shigeyama Toki, a tableware set for designed for kids.
The set comes in 3 pieces and includes 1 x rice bowl, 1 multi-purpose bowl, and 1 divided plate.
Animal prints are hand drawn with grooves, so they look 3D vivid on the ceramic.
both bowls are designed with flat, wide base so it's well balanced, hard to tip over. The multi-purpose bowl in this set is great for soup as it's designed with slanted edges to prevent spills.
The divided plate can be used by itself with 2 partitions, makes a well-balanced diet. It also fits perfectly as a base for both bowls.
2 color options: Beige (rabbit and cat) or Green (frog and pig)
此系列碗盤組包含2種碗型與分隔盤. 可愛動物圖案使用日本特有針筒上色法, 細線條畫出童趣風, 精緻又有立體感.
兩種碗型皆為寬平底, 孩子使用不易翻倒. 一個適合裝飯, 另一寬碗適合當湯碗, 碗內傾斜設計喝湯不容易撒出.
分隔盤可獨自使用或是當兩個碗的底盤. 營養均衡的一餐就在這組上面完美呈現!
兩種顏色可選: 卡其色 (兔 & 貓臉) 或 綠色 (青蛙 & 小豬)
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Swan Toddler Flatware Set
Designed with safety and charm in mind, BOGEN SWAN Kids Cutlery features handles shaped like the graceful tail of a swan, with rounded tips for added safety during use. The vibrant color options add a playful touch to mealtime, making dining enjoyable for children. Crafted from premium stainless steel and polycarbonate, these sets are durable to withstand kids' daily use, combining practicality with delightful aesthetics. These sets complement the elegance of our BOGEN Eiffel and Kara collections for an elevated family dining experience with with Asian dining customs in mind.
Set comes with a carry pouch, great to bring with in a lunch bag or daily on the go as portable cutlery.
Available in 2 sizes - Toddler or Kids sets
Premium Material:
Check out full BOGEN Swan Flatware Collection here.
Care Instructions:
Pre-Use Cleaning: Thoroughly clean items before use to remove any manufacturing residues.
Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Refrain from using cleaners or abrasives containing hydrogen peroxide or soda, as they can cause the plating to peel off due to their highly alkaline and toxic nature.
Dishwasher Caution: Gold-plated products should not be used in dishwashers, as dishwasher detergents can compromise the plating.
Satin Finish Products: Satin-finished items can be used in dishwashers, but frequent high-temperature washes may reduce their lifespan or damage polycarbonate parts. Boiling water sterilization is recommended instead.
Sterilization Guidelines: When sterilizing in boiling water, avoid adding detergent and limit exposure to tap or bottled water to five minutes or less.
Microwave/Oven Usage: These products are not suitable for microwave or oven use.
Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft sponge or cloth for cleaning to prevent scratches. Avoid harsh materials like strong scrub brushes or steel wool.
Knife Care: SUS420J2 (iron) knives are sensitive to humidity. After washing, ensure they are thoroughly dried before storage to prevent rust.
Natural Manufacturing Marks: Minor scratches or dents may occur during manufacturing and are not grounds for exchange or return.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
Condiment Cups for Lunch Box - Sumikko Gurashi
These mini cups are versatile as lunch companion:
Set comes in 4 mini cups of cute Sumikkogurashi characters. Available in limited quantity only.
Step 1 : Contact us at info@yobabyshop.com.
Step 2 : Pack your merchandise and ship via any carrier of choice
Step 3 : Refund will be processed within 10 business days after the returned merchandise is received. Original shipping charges will not be credited.
(1) 詳細活動辦法與規定請以官網公佈為準 https://www.yobabyshop.com/ 若有於活動網頁說明之未盡事宜,YoBaby Shop 保有隨時修改、暫停與終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將於粉絲專頁公告,恕不另行通知。
From time to time there may be information on our website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. Yo! Baby Shop reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). If you do not wish to continue your purchase after pricing or other information has been corrected, please contact us right away and we will work with you to cancel or return your order.
(2) 使用本活動折扣所購買之商品,商品實際折抵後若未達免運之門檻,則需負擔商品運費。
You will be responsible for shipping charge if the discounted total price of your order is under the $85 Free Ground Shipping offer.
(3) 活動為年度Final Sale,除產品瑕疵外不接受任何形式的退貨退款或換貨要求。
All promotional events are FINAL SALE. We are unable to accept any return or exchange with an exception of a defective product.
(4) Yo! Baby Shop 提供「7天調價保證」: 凡於特價前7天內購買的商品皆可連繫 Yo! Baby Shop 客服, 我們將以禮卡的形式將差額退還給您.
Yo! Baby Shop is now offering 7 day price adjustment guarantee. Merchandise purchased within 7 days prior to it's sale price is eligible for price adjustment. Price difference will be returned to customers in the form of store gift card.
Please review below list of vendors and their warranty terms:
Any warranty may be claimed by emailing us at info@yobabyshop.com.
We reserve the right to refuse any ineligible claim.
My toddler loves reading this with his grandma. Good quality and price.
My two year old toddler loves these books. However, the car crafts don't hold together. They needs a lot of tapes to hold them together
Great book, very fast and secure shipping. I very highly recommend these folks!!
My toddler loves reading this with his grandma. Good quality and price.
My two year old toddler loves these books. However, the car crafts don't hold together. They needs a lot of tapes to hold them together
Great book, very fast and secure shipping. I very highly recommend these folks!!