2024 Yo! 閱讀挑戰一夏 Yo! Summer Reading Challenge

中文對於海外長大的孩子來說還是比較困難的,因此Yo ! Baby希望利用獎勵的方式, 鼓勵孩子們多閱讀中文的書籍,進而拉近孩子們對中文的距離以及增進他們對於中文讀物的信心與理解,間接衍生出閱讀/共讀的習慣。
今年,我們特別設計了Bingo! 賓果遊戲,包含多種類型的書,也許有些類型您與孩子看了很多,有些類型卻從來沒有接觸過。希望藉由這次的遊戲挑戰,拓展孩子們的興趣與喜好,更多方的嘗試,一起來挑戰看看可以連成幾條線。也歡迎邀請親朋好友一起來挑戰唷!
凡於7/1/2024-7/31/2024之間,閱讀Bingo! 賓果遊戲紙上分類的書籍10本,連成2條線,就可以兌換$10 Yo ! Baby Shop Gift Card一張。
額外獎勵: 集滿全部賓果格加贈任選一本書籍 (最高兌換價值$15.00)
- 將完成的賓果遊戲表與孩子喜愛的書合照。
- 上傳至您個人的Instagram or Facebook,大力炫耀並表揚自己與孩子完成挑戰的收穫,文末加上 hashtag #yo閱讀挑戰一夏 以及 標籤 @yobaby_shop (將隱私設為公開分享)。
- 至Yo! Baby Shop 粉絲專頁按讚 ("Like" or "Follow") 後私訊粉專小編即可兌換 $10 Yo ! Baby禮卡。
- 歡迎參考夏日推薦書單。這些書籍包含不同主題,許多很有意思,但可能平常不會被選到的好書,可以趁著這次夏日挑戰,一起來閱讀。 (可使用年齡篩選方式快速找書)。
- 各年齡童書熱銷排行榜:
- 客製化選書服務 - Read-Along Mystery Box 共讀驚喜盒: 下單告訴我們關於孩子的一切 (年齡, 性別, 喜好)。由充滿熱情與專業的店長親自幫您挑選書籍
- 此活動兌換截止日期: 7/31/2024
- 禮卡使用期限: 10/31/2024
- 本活動無設限參與年齡,不設限孩子的中文程度與年齡。此活動強調"閱讀",包含共讀及獨立閱讀,歡迎父母們在與孩子享受共讀時光時,可以與孩子一同記錄,並鼓勵他們完成挑戰後可以使用禮卡再換一本他們喜愛的書籍喔!!! (每個小孩限兌換一次)
Learning Chinese can be quite challenging for children living overseas. At Yo! Baby, we believe with the right encouragement and engaging resources, kids can develop a love for Chinese literacy. By establishing a simple reading habit, your children not only discover endless fun of the world and creativity but also boost their own confidence and comprehension of the language. That's why we've created a special reward-based reading challenge to inspire your children to dive into the wonderful world of Chinese literature.
This year, we've specially designed a Bingo card that includes various types of books. Some genres you might be very familiar with, while others you may have never explored before. We hope that by going through this Bingo game, your children will discover new genres; thus broaden their love for literacy. Let's see how many lines you can complete! Feel free to invite friends and family to join the challenge together!
From 7/1/2024 - 7/31/2024, read at least 10 Chinese books from the assigned categories and complete 2 lines to earn a $10 Yo! Gift Card.
BONUS: Complete all grids on your Bingo! card and receive a bonus FREE book of choice (up to $15) value plus a $10 Yo! Gift Card!
- Download the Bingo! card to start logging your mandarin reading journey with your kids. Ways to redemption your Yo! Gift Card book is also included in the activity sheet. Enjoy your reading!
- Once 2 lines on your Bingo card is completed, take a picture of your child(ren)'s favorite book(s) along with this Bingo! card;
- Post to brag about your awesome mission completed (you deserve it!) on Facebook and/or Instagram with hashtag #yo閱讀挑戰一夏 and tag @yobaby_shop. Make sure to set privacy as Public so we can see it.
- Like or follow our fan page account (FB, Instagram) and private message us to redeem your prize.
- Check out our Summer Book List. Books in the list have been proven to be interesting and engaging for your kids. (**Use filter by age to find books quickly)
- Also, check out our best selling books by age,
- Need more inspirations? Try Read-Along Mystery Box 共讀驚喜盒, customized hand-picked books for every child. Local Yo! Baby shoppers have loved our book recommendations. We are passionate about sharing good reads with like-minded families!
Important Notes:
- Deadline to submit is 7/31/2024
- Gift Card Expires:10/31/2024
- Each child is limited to one gift card redemption
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