2024 Lunar New Year Kid-preneur Fair 小小創業家 新年市集
Yo! Kid-Preneur Fair is community event designed with families in mind! This is where young minds unleash their creativity, transforming ideas into priceless real-life experiences. From the spark of brainstorming to the hustle of setting up and the thrill of making sales, Yo! Kid-Preneur Fair has been a catalyst for empowering kids with values beyond our wildest dreams.
Join us for our 4th Kid-Preneur Fair on January 28, 2024 (Sunday), from 11 am to 3pm. Dive into a world of family fun, featuring games, crafts, Mandarin story time, tantalizing street food, and more! Admission is absolutely free, with tickets available for sales and transactions right at the entrance.
Let's come together to celebrate the Lunar New Year, forging unforgettable memories and supporting these incredible kid-preneurs. It's not just an event; it's a journey of creativity, community, and shared joy. See you there!
Let us know if you are coming. Invite your friends and families too!
Be a part of the Yo! Kid-preneurs
Ready to unleash and showcase your young entrepreneur's creativity? Apply for a booth at the Yo! Kid-Preneur Fair and join the excitement:
Interested in becoming a delicious addition to our feast of flavors? We are looking for quality food vendors with food/snacks related to our Lunar New Year theme:
🍢 FOOD VENDOR APPLICATION: Click here to apply
Our event thrives on the support of generous sponsors like you. Your contribution goes a long way in nurturing these young minds and making this priceless event possible. Every bit counts!
🌈 For Sponsor Opportunities: Click here for more details - Explore our Sponsorship Package!
Join us in building a village of creativity and empowerment. Let's make memories together!

Yo! 小小創業家起源於闆娘的女兒,每天看著媽媽賣東西,她也想把自己穿不下的衣服、不玩的玩具拿出來賣,體驗當小老闆的感覺。秉持著愛每一個孩子都如同愛自己孩子般的心,Yo ! Baby決定把這個想法實踐在更多的孩子身上,於是小小創業家園遊會成真了!
Yo! 小小創業家園遊會是一場寓教於樂的親子家庭市集活動,更是小小創業家們釋放創意,將想法轉化成人生經驗的活動,每一場活動我們都親眼目睹孩子們的成長,經由天馬行空的想法到付諸行動銷售,進而刺激創意獨立思考的能力。
第四屆小小創業家即將於2024年1月28日 (日) 美國西岸時間 11am 到 3pm 熱鬧登場! 誠摯邀請來自四面八方的大小朋友們共襄盛舉,一同歡慶新年,給大家好酷、好玩、滿滿回憶的新年盛典!現場將有濃厚的農曆新年氣氛,伴隨著遊戲、傳統手工藝、親子故事時間等活動。食物也將以令人垂涎的夜市小吃、街頭美食為主。
等不及釋放腦中滿滿的創意嗎? 你的創意也許可以賺到自己的零用錢?
慶新年, 逛園遊會最不可缺的靈魂就是家長們思念的那一個家鄉味! 第四屆小小創業家園遊會超強美食攤位招募中
認同我們的活動? 支持我們, 幫助我們繼續提供孩子寓教於樂的活動.
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