
從寶貝牙牙學語開始,小小的腦袋每天能學習及接受的新知識往往超越成人的想像,研究顯示三歲左右的幼兒的腦部發展已高達成人的九成 (Brown 2012)。越多的語文刺激越能幫助孩子訓練專注力、學習力及想像力。
那麼該怎麼引導孩子學習語文,愛上認字呢? 對於0~2 小小孩來說,父母可把重點放在共讀、陪玩,激發孩子對中文及閱讀的興趣。或許寶寶不能完全理解故事內容,但在互動中學會觀察生活中的點點滴滴,這就是學習的開始。除了觀察之外,寶寶的記憶力也在悄悄的萌芽;父母可以使用孩子喜歡的兒歌、小故事,邊唱邊指出字,讓寶寶了解每一個字(圖像) 都有它的讀音,幫助小小孩認字啟蒙。也可以適當的使用一些點讀筆,互動書,引發寶寶的學習興趣。
教材推薦: Food超人我的幼幼認知有聲學習書

- 引導孩子每一個文字是一個好朋友,認識越多好朋友,越能學習更多有趣的知識。
- 用孩子喜歡的玩偶扮演學生,孩子則扮演小老師,家長可扮演教學中的小幫手,讓孩子在教學中培養成就感,口語能力,也會對文字產生更深刻的印象。
- 善用教材,發揮聯想力,幫助海外孩子輕鬆認字。
教材一: 這樣認字超有趣
這套教具依照字義將100 個字分成自然、動物、物件、人物等六大主題,還很貼心的用顏色來區分,在翻的時候可以輕鬆找到你要的主題。
本書介紹字型的演變,搭配色彩鮮明的插圖,使文字產生關聯性,幫助圖像記憶;也在每個字旁邊列舉出生活中的常用詞語及成語,所以等於學一個字也同時學了其他很多的關聯字。如在第十頁 介紹『星』這個字時,就列舉了星星、明星、流星、披星戴月等關聯字,還可順便學成語。這套書上頁跟下頁的頁數是統一的,但可以分開翻,設計得很有趣,適合小朋友認字啟蒙。

教材二: 認字好好玩
同樣是用孩子很喜歡的圖像記憶法,看一張圖,學一個字。書本輕巧好攜帶,附贈88 個附圖像的字卡。家長在陪孩子認字後,可用字卡玩釣魚遊戲:

教材三: 善用教材搭配認字App,增加學習興趣
同樣是字卡教學,但漢字會說畫和認字圖畫卡: 這兩套字卡可以掃描QR CODE,讓文字更生動。
漢字會說畫( 分成人事、物像 和自然三套) 每一張字卡都可以掃苗QR Code,用手機輕輕一掃,您獨一無二的漢字講堂就開課囉! 除了基本的詞語示範,還有字型的演變、中英文對照,最特別的是每個字上面有筆順練習。可用水性筆反覆書寫,認字寫字同時進行,又方便好攜帶,非常實用。

認字圖畫卡分成天文地理、聰明認字、聯想認字和趣味認字等四套,掃描QR Code 就可以邊看動畫邊學認字,這套字卡除了有可愛的圖像,文字的演變,特別的是它還解釋了字的起源和讀音的由來,幫助孩子了解中國文字的博大精深。

教材四: 小行星點讀系列中英雙語啟蒙寶盒
Word Etymology: Visualizing Chinese Language Learning in Creative Way
Child language development begins in the early childhood stage and continuously expands to acquire new knowledge every day. Study has shown that a 3-year old can already achieve 90% of the adult’s cognitive development (Brown 2012). The more the child is exposed to language literacy, the better he/she will display his/her executive control, learning capacity, and critical thinking.
How does a child become infatuated in learning a new language and new words? Many signs point to parental involvement in education, particularly in shared reading and collaborative gaming activities. This is particular important for Chinese word etymology, where Chinese words are stemmed from real world objects. Even if a child is not able to fully comprehend a word or story, by observing parents’ interaction with visuals (picture, card, storybook), abstraction of the words can be developed. Besides observation, child memorization skill can also be developed through visual cue, children song karaoke and storytelling, allowing child to recognize words through familiar sounds and stories. By combining words, pictures, and sounds together in a co-learning environment, child will become accustomed to learning.
Reading recommendation: Food 超人My Child Learning Words Audiobook
Designed for child development through visual and audio cue, this book allows child to explore the world while learning daily use words in domains such as animal, insect, transportation, and food.
From three- to six-year-old, child cognitive development capacity is at its peak, learning words during this stage will be maximized with bonus benefit through child’s native desire to learn as well as improved memorization skill. How should a parent guide a child in learning new words? Here are three simple recommendations:
- Imagine each word as a new friend to allow the child to correlate language learning as making new friends, generating positive reinforcement sentiment in learning.
- Engage in character acting by allowing the child to be a teacher, encouraging him/her in teaching each word through visual and audio cues.
- Have the right learning words material for visualizing Chinese language, perfect for oversea learning.
Our recommendation No. 1: 這樣認字超有趣
This learning material provides hundred words spanning six topics including natural science, animal, object, people, etc. Each topic is colored individually to allow quick retrieval.
The book introduces the evolution of word shape over time period, adding colorful graphics to engage association and memorization. Each word is also accompanied with daily sentence and Chinese idiom, allowing the child to learn the word usage beyond simple definition.
Our recommendation No. 2: 認字好好玩
Similar to our previous recommendation, with each page representing a word with relevant graphics. The book is easy to carry with eighty-eight-word cards, perfect for road trip and travel. We thought a fun game called fishing for this recommendation:
Put all the cards on the ground or flat surface, simulate a fishing motion to look for specific words, then simulate the action or object associated with the words to allow the child to indirectly study different pictures and words in repetition to train photographic memory. Example includes hugging the child while fishing out the word for “hug”.
Our recommendation No. 3: Combining Chinese Word visual flash cards with online learning
Another excellent kits of visual flash cards for learning words, but these kits include QR code to allow words to come out through the companion apps.
漢字會說畫(分成人事、物像 和自然三套) contains each visual flash cards with a QR code to turn each individual card into virtual learning experience, displaying not just the evolution of word structure, but also word usage. Additionally, these words display tracing strokes, allowing child to practice Chinese strokes even while on travel.
認字圖畫卡 contains four different sets characterizing science learning, intuitive learning, word association, and creative learning. Using the QR code on the cards will allow child to hear word pronunciation as well as observe the evolution of the word shape through history.
Our recommendation No. 4: 小行星 Reading pen series Chinese English Bilingual language learning Treasure Box
This learning material is one of the most popular without reason. It combines Chinese English learning, including storytelling, as well as collaborative learning activity such as guessing riddles. Accompanied reading pen allows the word to be pronounced, assisting child with audio learning. In terms of language pronunciation and word learning, this tool is very effective in doing both.
Children are very active during early childhood stage, as they are very open to learning and memorization. Parents should establish a consistent environment for word and language learning by persistently introducing them to listening, reading, and conversing. This is especially important in order to retain oversea children interest in learning Chinese language. This could be applied through day-to-day activities together, such as reading street sign, looking at food menu, or looking Chinese English advertisement, but having the right sets of learning material will improve tremendously by having the learning environment readily available when the children are actively looking for new things to learn. Don’t forget, as long as parents have the patience and resource to guide their children in understanding the beauty of the language, the mental acuity will provide the children a lifetime of rewards.
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